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Weight loss is now easier, Magical results in 7 Days

How to lose weight Fast: 5 Simple steps, Based on science By- Dt. Prashant Shukla (Nutrition Advisor & Consultant Dietitian) There are  many ways  to lose a lot of weight fast. However, most of them will make you hungry and unsatisfied. If you don't have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up on these plans quickly. The plan outlined here will: Reduce your appetite significantly. Make you lose weight quickly, without hunger. Improve your metabolic health at the same time. Here is a simple 3-step plan to lose weight fast.   1. Do not skip breakfast Skipping breakfast will not help you lose weight. You could miss out on essential nutrients and you may end up snacking more throughout the day because you feel hungry. 2. Eat regular meals Eating at regular times during the day helps burn calories at a faster rate. It also reduces the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar. 3. Eat plenty of fruit and veg Fruit and veg are

Using honey in this way will reduce weight in a week.

Dabur Honey: Honey and Weight management



Honey can be very useful when you're trying to manage weight. Weight management* is one of the main benefits of honey! If you’re overweight, honey not only helps you reduce weight but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disorders.
Alright, hold on for us, in light of the fact that we couldn't trust it when we heard it either. Be that as it may, as indicated by new research, you could drop as much as a dress size in 3 weeks just by eating a spoonful of honey before bed each night!

How Can You Use Honey for Weight management*?

  1. Supplant Sugar with Honey
  2. Pick Unrefined Carbs
  3. Protein, protein, protein
  4. Follow the Hibernation Diet
  5. Improves Digestion
Disregard starving yourself and costly well being nourishment's - take after these straightforward principles and you could lose a few kg in a week! Why not stick them on your refrigerator to offer you some assistance with remembering?

1.Supplant Sugar with Honey

Replace Sugar with Honey

Cut out all sugar, including sweeteners, by using honey as an alternative. Start your day with honey in hot water, replace sugar with honey in tea and coffee, on cereal, and in all your cooking throughout the day.

2. Pick Unrefined Carbs

The refined white flour found in white pasta and white rice can cause blood sugar spikes. Whole meal bread, pasta and brown rice are fibre-rich, so they are good for your digestion, take longer for your body to process and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Make sure that the whole meal carbs make up less than a quarter of your meal, and fill your plate with protein and vegetables.

3. Protein, protein, protein

5 Tips to manage weight with Honey

By making sure you have protein in every meal, you will feel fuller for longer and avoid blood sugar spikes leading to cravings. Try to keep protein as lean as possible to keep the calories down, such as fish (not breaded or battered), chicken (no skin), pork (fat trimmed), beef (steak or 5% fat mince) or eggs.
4. Follow the Hibernation Diet
The hibernation diet is basically a diet that teaches us how we can manage weight while sleeping. Sounds too good to be true? In this diet, all you need to do is have a spoonful of honey before hitting the bed at night. This technique makes use of our biology. The honey fuels our liver which in turn speeds up the fat burning metabolism. Just like the name of this diet suggests, you can manage weight while hibernating.
5. Improves Digestion
Honey has also been known to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Eating a spoon or two of honey after dinner works wonders. Especially when you’ve had a large meal, having a spoon of honey helps in reducing the static weight accumulated in your digestive system.

What are the different ways to use Honey for Weight management*?
Honey and warm water

Tips to manage weight with Dabur Honey Water

Drinking water with honey can help you manage weight. Honey being a natural sugar, not only provides a healthy source of calories but also helps keep your sugar cravings at bay. Drinking honey and lemon water doesn’t guarantee overnight Weight management* but it definitely helps the cause over a period of time.

  1. Honey and Lemon Juice
It is commonly believed that drinking honey and lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning speeds up Weight management*. The combination of drinking warm water with honey and a few drops of lemon juice is a very important part of many Weight management* programs. Both honey and lemon have their own individual health benefits, when combined together they not only help in Weight management* but also cleanse your system of unnecessary fats.
To make the honey- lemon drink:
  1. Boil a glass of water and let it cool until it’s warm.
  2. Add 2-3 spoons of Honey. Stir well till it dissolves.
  3. Squeeze 1/2 a lemon into this mixture.
  4. Stir this drink well and drink up. 
Honey and Cinnamon

Ways to use honey for Weight management

You can also try our recipe of mixing cinnamon in honey and warm water to lose weight. We know this recipe sounds a bit bizarre but when honey and cinnamon are combined, they help you manage weight by reducing sweet cravings. Cinnamon has been known to stabilize the sugar levels in our blood. This prevents unnecessary storage of fat. Combine this with the benefits of honey and this recipe will have a positive impact on your goal of Weight management. 
While using honey for Weight management*:
  • Do not mix honey in boiling water
  • Do not cook honey at high temperatures
Doing any of the above mentioned acts will result in loss of nutrients because of the improper heat applied to honey.
While following any diet, drill one thing in your mind: Not eating will not help you manage weight. Eating right will!
A diet doesn’t always mean you have to starve yourself. Not eating enough food will definitely weaken your immune system as tonnes of calories, minerals and fibre will get accumulated in your system with no juice to burn it. Not eating when on a diet will only take you farther away from your goal of losing weight.
How to Manage Weight Naturally: 7 Diet Tips for weight management*

Young people exercising plank variations in a gym  Young woman exercising on treadmill
Fitness trainer keeping time with woman doing dumbell push-ups


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